The staff of the Migration Research Institute, Tárik Meszár and Klaudia Tóth, conducted field research in the Kingdom of Morocco in the spring of 2023, during which they examined the role of the North African country in the migration system of the Western Mediterranean region. Their findings indicate that Morocco plays a key role in the migration system of the Western Mediterranean region, since, in addition to being an issuing country, it is also a destination country for many sub-Saharan African migrants.

Furthermore, we must not overlook the fact that over the last two decades Morocco has emerged as an important transit country, as from its territory it is possible to reach the territory of the European Union from several different points in a relatively short time. Th e purpose of this analysis is to present the migration routes from Morocco to Spain, as well as the challenges caused by illegal immigration. In addition, we also describe the migration framework and main immigration laws of Morocco and examine how they are implemented in practice.